Lots of older individuals have hearing loss, but does that mean it’s unsafe for them to drive? Driving habits differ amongst different individuals so the response isn’t straightforward. Even if some adjustments need to be made to the radio volume, hearing loss shouldn’t mean a competent driver has to quit driving. For people who commute […]
Of course, pregnancy is amazing and fantastic. But in terms of how it can make you feel, it can be pretty uncomfortable, at least in some cases. There’s the morning sickness, the difference in your body, the health hazards, and all sorts of strange side effects. Getting there can be somewhat of a process, but […]
You asked for help with one basic chore: take the trash out. A little while later you discover your partner didn’t do it. When you ask why it didn’t get done, your partner replies “I never heard you ask me”. Why aren’t you surprised that your partner didn’t hear the one thing they needed done? […]
Aging is one of the most typical indicators of hearing loss, and let’s face it, try as we may, we can’t avoid aging. Sure, dyeing your hair may make you look younger, but it doesn’t actually change your age. But did you realize that hearing loss has also been connected to health problems related to […]
Have you ever left your Earbuds in your pocket and they ended up going through the laundry or maybe lost them altogether? Now it’s so boring going for a jog in the morning. Your commute or bus ride is dreary and dull. And the sound quality of your virtual meetings suffers substantially. Often, you don’t […]
We normally think of hearing loss as something that advances little by little. It can be difficult to detect the symptoms due to this. (After all, you’re just turning up the volume on your television once in a while, it’s nothing to be concerned about, right?) That’s normally the case, yes, but not always. It […]
It’s easy to observe how your body ages over time. Your skin starts to get some wrinkles. Your hair turns gray (or falls out). Your joints start to stiffen. Your skin gets a little saggy in places. Maybe you begin to detect some fading of your hearing and eyesight. These indicators are hard to miss. […]
Just picture for a minute you’re a salesperson. Today, you’re on a very important call with a possible client. Your company is being considered for a job and numerous people from your company have come together on a conference call. As the call proceeds, voices go up and down…and are at times difficult to hear. […]
Isn’t pizza interesting? As long as a few criteria are met, you can switch toppings, cheese, and sauce, and it’s still a pizza. That’s similar to hearing loss. But as long as you have difficulty hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss whether it’s due to genetic factors, age, obstructions, or exposure to loud noise. Normally, […]
Tom is excited, he’s getting a brand new knee! Look, as you get older, the types of things you look forward to change. He will be capable of moving around more freely and will have less pain with his new knee. So the surgery is successful and Tom heads home. That’s when things go wrong. […]