Putting off on important appointments, like your hearing aid fitting, is all too easy amidst the hustle and bustle of day-to-day events. You might even find yourself hesitating to order hearing aids altogether. However, delaying treatment for hearing loss is a lot more than just a misstep concerning your ears alone. The connection to mental […]
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, our ears often bear the brunt of neglect and accidental harm. There are some common but dangerous practices, including making use of cotton swabs and ear candling, that will put your hearing health in peril. What follows are a few practices you can use to help safeguard […]
You most likely don’t give a lot of thought to earwax accumulation unless you’re in the process of cleaning it out. However, comprehending what causes earwax, how it develops, and its purpose is essential. So why does earwax build-up? Earwax, scientifically known as cerumen, is a thick combination of debris, hair, skin particles, sweat, and […]
Hearing loss can impact many areas of your daily life. Untreated hearing loss, for instance, can affect your professional life, your favorite hobbies, and even your relationships. Communication can become strained for couples who are dealing with hearing loss. Animosity can develop from the increased stress and more frequent quarrels. In other words, left unchecked, […]
Your workplace recently adopted the trend of open-office floor plans, promoting cooperation and teamwork. But this new setup has become a struggle for you. It’s because the elevated noise is making it hard to follow along with conversation and not because you miss the privacy of cubical walls. The inability to follow along with conversations […]
When you start on a course of medication, it’s natural to want to be educated about any potential side effects. Can it cause digestive problems? Will it cause dehydration? Make you sleepy? There might also be a more severe possible side effect that you may not be aware of – hearing loss. Ototoxicity is the […]
Does hearing loss worsen as you age? Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions impacting all adults as they get older, but it’s a slow process. Actually, over one half of individuals 75 and older have trouble hearing. Presbycusis The slowly advancing condition of hearing loss as we age is commonly known as […]
Sleepless nights are no fun. Particularly when it happens regularly. You toss and turn and maybe stare at the clock (or your phone) and stress about just how tired you’ll be the next day. When these types of sleepless nights routinely occur, medical professionals tend to use the term “insomnia”. With insomnia, the drawbacks of […]
You might be familiar with the numerous aspects contributing to hearing loss, including the impact of aging, genetic predisposition within families, or extended exposure to loud noises. However, you may find it interesting to understand the link between diabetes and hearing impairment. Let’s dig a little deeper into that. How is your risk of developing […]
Everyone loves a quick fix, especially when the fix is also a DIY fix. Sink Leaking? Just search YouTube for the ideal plumbing tutorial, buy the suggested tools, and get to work! It may take you a little bit longer than it would take a plumber, but there’s no replacement for the gratification you feel, […]